Leaflet Maps Marker v1.2 is available

Posted on 11 January, 2012


Free-Version Releases
Attention: this is not the changelog for the latest stable version 4.29.1 (see related release notes)

Bugfixes, stability & compatibiliy – this was the focus for the development of v1.2 which is now finished and available in the WordPress plugin repository (if you already installed an older version, you should see an update notice within WordPress backend / plugins).

I could solve all reported bugs and hope, that now the plugin even works on hosts with non-standard configurations. If not, please post your problem in the WordPress support forums.

Two new features did nethertheless make it into v1.2:

  1. You can can now subscribe to markers via GeoRSS (RSS2.0 or ATOM 1.0)
  2. microformat geo-markup are now automatically added to each map to make your maks machine-readable

Full changelog:

  • NEW: added GeoRSS-feeds for marker- and layer maps (RSS 2.0 & ATOM 1.0,  demo for all markers on www.mapsmarker.com)
  • NEW: added microformat geo-markup to maps, to make your maps machine-readable
  • CHANGE: Default custom overlay (OGD Vienna Addresses) is not active anymore by default on new markers/layers (but still gets active when an address through search by Google Places is selected)
  • CHANGE: added attribution text for default custom overlay (OGD Vienna Addresses) to see if overlay has accidently been activated
  • CHANGE: added sanitization for wikitude provide name
  • BUGFIX: plugin conflict with Google Analytics for WordPress resulting in maps not showing up
  • BUGFIX: plugin did not work on several hosts as path to wp-load.php for API links could not be constructed
  • BUGFIX: reset settings to default values did only reset values from v1.0
  • BUGFIX: when default custom overlay for new markers/layers got unchecked, the map in backend did not show up anymore
  • BUGFIX: fullscreen standalone maps didnt work in Internet Explorer
  • BUGFIX: maps did not show up in Internet Explorer 7 at all
  • BUGFIX: attribution box on standalone maps did not show up if windows size is too small
  • BUGFIX: slashes were not stripped from marker/layer name on frontend maps
  • BUGFIX: quotes were not shown on marker/layer names (note: double quotes are replaced with single quotes automatically due to compatibility reasons)

Please note that due to a bug on www.wikitude.me, the registration of new Augmented-Reality links from Leaflet Maps Marker on www.wikitude.me is not possible at the moment. According to the developers of Wikitude, this should be fixed within the next 1-2 weeks.

Please let me know what you think of the new release. If an important feature is missing, please add your feature requests here. I am also looking for more translations – if you would like to contribute a new one, please visit this page for more information.