Leaflet Maps Marker v1.3 is available

Posted on 17 January, 2012


Free-Version Releases
Attention: this is not the changelog for the latest stable version 4.29.1 (see related release notes)

Thanks to great feedback from user so far, I could fix some bugs that were caused due to css glitches with several templates. Cross browser compatibility could also be improved (especially if you use IE8, you should see map layout improvements on backend side). IE7 has also been tested – single maps work fine, but more maps on a page can cause problems – if you´re still using IE7, I strongly advise you to upgrade to a modern and secure browser like Firefox. Support for IE6 hasn´t been tested – someday it´s time for letting go 🙂

Back to the v1.3 release: as you can see from the changelog below, there are a lots of fixes and changes regarding css & compatibility. Nevertheless, a great new feature made it into v1.3: a brand new tools section, giving you the possibility to

  • move markers from one layer to another
  • mass-delete markers from one layer
  • mass-delete all markers from all layers


  • NEW: add mass actions for makers (assign markers to layer, delete markers)
  • CHANGED: flattr now embedded as static image as long loadtimes decrease usability because Google Places scripts starts only afterwards
  • CHANGED: marker-/layername for panel in backend now gets refreshed dynamically after entering in form field
  • CHANGED: geo microformat tags are now also added to maps added directly via shortcode
  • OPTIMIZED: div structure and order for maps on frontend
  • BUGFIX: map/panel width were not the same due to css inheritance issues
  • BUGFIX: map css partially broken in IE < 9 when viewing backend maps
  • BUGFIX: links in maps were underlined on some templates
  • BUGFIX: panel API link images had borders on some templates
  • BUGFIX: text in layer controlbox was centered on some templates
  • REMOVED: global stats for plugin installs, marker/layer edits and deletions
  • REMOVED: featured sponsor in admin header
  • REMOVED: developers comments from css- and js-files

Please let me if you have any issues with the new release. If an important feature is missing, please add your feature requests on Github. I am also looking for more translations – if you would like to contribute a new one, please visit this page for more information.