
29. June 2021

Maps Marker Pro v4.18 with optimizations and bugfixes is available

We just released Maps Marker Pro v4.18 with a few new features, library updates, optimizations, performance improvements and bug fixes – in some cases based on your feedback, thanks a lot! For details and other highlights about this release please see below. An updated to the latest version is – as always – highly recommended. […]

15. May 2021

Maps Marker Pro v4.17 with measure control and more is available

We just released Maps Marker Pro v4.17 with a newly added measure control as one major highlight. For details and other highlights about this release please see below. An updated to the latest version is – as always – highly recommended. If you access to updates and support has expired, please click here for more […]

2. April 2021

Looking for developers to recommend to our clients for customizations

Are you a professional WordPress developer who knows the ins and outs of Maps Marker Pro? Great! Get in touch, and maybe we can recommend you to customers who want individual customizations or custom developments based on one of our Maps Marker Pro APIs.   We’re working hard on delivering the best mapping solution for […]

26. March 2021

Maps Marker Pro v4.16.2 with translation updates and fixes is available

With this release we updated the translations for the new features added with v4.16 and also fixed a few minor issues which were reported since then. An updated to the latest version is – as always – highly recommended. If you access to updates and support has expired, please click here for more information on […]

20. March 2021

Maps Marker Pro v4.16.1 with a fix for sites with older mySQL versions is available

Maps Marker Pro v4.16 with location finder and support for lazy-loading was released today. Unfortunately an issue with older mySQL versions slipped through our release tests, resulting in markers not being display on backend in the list of markers – v4.16.1 fixes this issue. An updated to the latest version is – as always – […]