Pro v3.0-beta2 supporting leaflet.js v1.0.3, GoogleMutant, Polylang, pretty permalinks & lots more is available

Posted on 14 February, 2017


Pro-Version Beta Releases

v3.0-beta2 includes all changes from v3.0-beta1 and a fix for a bug that could cause layer maps with popups including shortcodes to break.

An update for all beta testers is recommended. 

how to update to 3.0-beta2

Warning: although we also test beta releases thoroughly, it is not recommended to install beta versions on production sites! In addition we recommend to backup your site (especially the database) regularly so in case of an issue with this beta release you can always perform a full rollback if needed!

In order to be able to update to this beta release, you first have to set beta-testing in settings / misc to enabled:


As next step after saving your settings, navigate to Plugins and click on the link “Manually check for updates” next to Maps Marker Pro:



Finish by clicking on the link “Update now”.

For directly downloading the current beta package as zip file, please click here.