Changelog for Maps Marker Pro (dev)





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Please note: the dev version has not been released yet! The table below shows a list of new features, changes and fixes which have already been implemented for the next version – which will be released once it passes our tests and meets our quality criteria.

If you want to keep up to date with the latest Maps Marker Pro development, please follow @MapsMarker on twitter (= most current updates), on Facebook or subscribe to news via RSS or via RSS/email.

Changelog for development version

add Azure basemaps
add Norgeskart basemaps
implement new Google Places API
add The SEO Framework sitemap integration
add directories to health check
add TomTom Orbis basemaps
add version info to backups
add shortcode option to fit GPX track on load
add option to initialize map with view seen in backend
update Tom Select to 2.4.3
update leaflet-locatecontrol to 0.83.1
update ESRI to 3.0.14
update Chart.js to 4.4.7
update autoComplete.js to 10.2.9
update Leaflet-Geoman to 2.18.3
update Google Mutant to 0.15.0
fix Stadia not working for geocoding when importing markers
fix various map dropdowns only showing the first 50 maps
fix changing minZoom/maxZoom not applying correctly to live preview when editing map
do not close custom layer modal when clicking outside
updated German translation by Maps Marker Pro team and Daniel Luttermann→ contribute

Updated on 20 April 2024