Leaflet Maps Marker v1.6 is available

Posted on 14 February, 2012


Free-Version Releases
Attention: this is not the changelog for the latest stable version 4.29.1 (see related release notes)

Thanks to feedback from users (like Elias 😉 ) I just released v1.6 with great new features, which I didn´t think of initially and which will hopefully make Leaflet Maps Marker attractive to even a greater number of users (we are approaching 3000 downloads 🙂 )

The most important new feature is the additional option to use up to 3 Cloudmade maps as basemaps. Cloudmade maps use OpenStreetMap data but allow registered users (with API key) to style their maps to their needs. Below you find a static preview of 3 styles for the same map – a full list of styles can be found here.

I also added the tutorial “How to configure Cloudmade basemaps” to the docs pages which describe every necessary step in order to active those Cloudmade styles within your plugin installation.

Another important update with v1.6 is the update of the fabulous javascript library leaflet to v0.3.1 (changelog), which after 7 months of intense development finally reached a stable version & which is making this plugin possible at all – thanks to Vladimir & all other contributors!

I also fixed a bug causing marker not to show up via Wikitude API in the Wikitude World Browser. This bug affected all users who changed the provider name in settings / Augmented-Reality / Wikitude to upper case letters or special chars.

Another user also reported a problem with lat/lon-values which always got rounded (48.23432–>48.0000 for example). I could also identify and fix this bug.

Last but not least I added an updated Japanese translation (thanks @higa4!) and also an updated German one. Other translations (Spanish – thanks David!) or Indonesian (thanks Emir & Vashanti!) are currently being worked on and will be included when finished.

Full changelog:

  • NEW: added support for Cloudmade maps with styles as basemaps
  • UPDATE from leaflet 0.3 beta to 0.3.1 stable (changelog)
  • BUGFIX: markers did not show up in Wikitude World Browser due to a bug with different provider name
  • BUGFIX: lat/lon values for layer and marker maps were rounded on some installations
  • CHANGED: added updated Japanese translation (thanks to Shu Higashi, @higa4)
  • CHANGED: added updated German translation

Please let me what you think of this new release. If you have any issues, please see this page on how to get support. If an important feature is missing, please add your feature requests on Github. I am also looking for more translations – if you would like to contribute a new one, please visit this page for more information.