Leaflet Maps Marker v2.6.1 is available

Posted on 20 July, 2012


Free-Version Releases
Attention: this is not the changelog for the latest stable version 4.29.1 (see related release notes)

Thanks to Pavel Shramov (https://github.com/shramov) who built those two fabulous Google Maps and bing maps leaflet-plugins which are used in Leaflet Maps Marker too, the bing maps issue could be solved within hours. This is why I released v2.6.1 only shortly after v2.6 in order to fix this annoying bug. Thanks a lot Pavel again for your great help!

Full changelog

  • BUGFIX: bing maps should now work as designed – thank to Pavel Shramov!

Please let me what you think of this new release. If you have any issues, please see this page on how to get support. If an important feature is missing, please add your feature requests on Github. I am also looking for more translations – if you would like to contribute a new one, please visit this page for more information.