
25. June 2018

Maps Marker Pro v4.0-beta2 is available

With the release of Maps Marker Pro v4.0-beta2 we are getting one step closer to final release, thanks to all beta testers for your feedback! Version 4.0 of Maps Marker Pro features a complete object-oriented rewrite of the codebase. While this process took quite a few months to complete, the long-term benefits are absolutely worth […]

4. June 2018

Photon@MapsMarker geocoding now using fast NVMe SSD harddrives

Good news: we have upgraded our geocoding server Photon@MapsMarker which now uses super-fast NVMe SSD drives. Photon@MapsMarker is an open source geocoder built for OpenStreetMap data and run by exclusively for our users. It is based on elasticsearch – an efficient, powerful and highly scalable search platform. The underlying OpenStreetMap search index is updated at […]

13. May 2018

Google Maps increases prices with July 16th 2018: How this affects you, how to avoid high payments and how to switch to free alternatives

Coming into effect with July 16th 2018, Google greatly increases prices for their Maps API products. Map content creators and developers who until recently would not be charged to use the big company’s services could now be facing potentially high monthly payments. We summarized all you need to know about the new Google Maps prices […]

1. May 2018

Maps Marker Pro v4.0-beta1 is available

We are happy to announce that Maps Marker Pro v4.0-beta1 is finally available. Version 4.0 of Maps Marker Pro features a complete object-oriented rewrite of the codebase. While this process took quite a few months to complete, the long-term benefits are absolutely worth it. Not only does the new code dramatically decrease load times and […]

15. March 2018

Maps Marker Pro 4.0 preview

No break for Maps Marker Pro development: behind the scenes Thorsten is refactoring & improving nearly every existing code line 🙂 As you can see from the following speedtest, the loading time for maps will be improved significantly as one result: With version 4.0 an often requested feature will also be added – elevation charts. […]