
9. October 2013

v1.3.1 – with clustering text color option and layer bugfix – is available

Although v1.3.1 is an important bugfix release, it also adds a new option to change for clustering text colors. Please see below for more details. If you want to keep up to date with the latest Maps Marker development, please follow @MapsMarker on twitter (= most current updates), on Facebook, Google+ or subscribe to news via RSS or via RSS/email. Now let´s get […]

7. October 2013

Pro v1.3 – support for shortcodes in popup texts and more – is available

Although this pro release adds two new features, the main focus was on improving performance and usability as well as fixing some nasty bugs. Please see below for more details. If you want to keep up to date with the latest Maps Marker development, please follow @MapsMarker on twitter (= most current updates), on Facebook, Google+ or subscribe to […]

6. October 2013

v1.3-beta1 with support for shortcodes in popup texts is available

I just released v1.3-beta1 with the following highlights: support for shortcodes in popup texts (with some limitations on layer maps with no list of markers and fullscreen layer maps) set marker cluster colors in settings / map defaults / marker clustering settings optimized marker and layer admin pages for mobile devices notification about new pro […]

24. September 2013

Slides “Best practices from building a premium plugin”

Today I had the please to give a presentation at the WordPress Vienna meetup with the topic “Best practices from building a premium plugin”. Below you will find the slides from my talk: PS: thanks for the beer Floor & Paolo 😉

17. September 2013

Join the translation team & receive free pro licenses

Leaflet Maps Marker is currently available in 33 translations thanks to 85 translators, which use our glotpress instance at This tool allows web-based editing of translations and is the same software which is also used for WordPress translations. As our translation strings are used both in the free and pro version of the plugin, […]