News - Releases

29. June 2021

Maps Marker Pro v4.18 with optimizations and bugfixes is available

We just released Maps Marker Pro v4.18 with a few new features, library updates, optimizations, performance improvements and bug fixes – in some cases based on your feedback, thanks a lot! For details and other highlights about this release please see below. An updated to the latest version is – as always – highly recommended. […]

15. May 2021

Maps Marker Pro v4.17 with measure control and more is available

We just released Maps Marker Pro v4.17 with a newly added measure control as one major highlight. For details and other highlights about this release please see below. An updated to the latest version is – as always – highly recommended. If you access to updates and support has expired, please click here for more […]

26. March 2021

Maps Marker Pro v4.16.2 with translation updates and fixes is available

With this release we updated the translations for the new features added with v4.16 and also fixed a few minor issues which were reported since then. An updated to the latest version is – as always – highly recommended. If you access to updates and support has expired, please click here for more information on […]

20. March 2021

Maps Marker Pro v4.16.1 with a fix for sites with older mySQL versions is available

Maps Marker Pro v4.16 with location finder and support for lazy-loading was released today. Unfortunately an issue with older mySQL versions slipped through our release tests, resulting in markers not being display on backend in the list of markers – v4.16.1 fixes this issue. An updated to the latest version is – as always – […]

Maps Marker Pro v4.16 with location finder for list of markers & performance improvements via lazy-loading is available

We are proud to annouce the availability of Maps Marker Pro v4.16 with significant performance improvements for loading markers and popups via lazy loading and a feature many of you have been asking for a long time: a location finder for the list of markers on frontend, allowing you to geosearch for locations on frontend. […]