
17. May 2019

Maps Marker Pro v4.3.2 with a fix for version check in update logic is available

We discovered an issue for users updating to v4.3 or v4.3.1 (without updating to v4.2 first), which resulted in database changes for v4.3 not being applied. v4.3.2 fixes this issue. An update to the latest version is – as always – highly recommended. Full changelog If you experience any issues, please search our knowledge base […]

16. May 2019

Maps Marker Pro v4.3.1 with WPML/polylang fix and 3rd party library updates is available

With v4.3.1 we fixed a bug with WPML/polylang translation which prevented popuptexts from being translated. Additionally we also updated 3rd party libraries used like leaflet.js, the enigine of our plugin, for some minor bugfixes and optimizations. An update to the latest version is – as always – highly recommended. Full changelog If you experience any […]

4. May 2019

Maps Marker Pro v4.3 with polyline support & more is available

After more than 2 months of development we are happy to announce that v4.3 is finally available. Thanks to our new code base since version 4.0 we were able to easily add new features which have been requested for a long time, like support for drawing polylines directly on maps. In addition we also added […]

1. May 2019

Maps Marker Pro v4.3-beta1 with polyline support is available

We are happy to announce that Maps Marker Pro v4.3-beta1 is available, featuring polyline support as major highlight: Full changelog Let us you think about this new release & send your feedback by using our helpdesk (prefered) or directly via email to If no major issues are reported, v4.3 final is planned for […]

18. March 2019

v4.3 preview: drawing and editing of geometry layers

We are happy to announce that with v4.3 an often requested feature will be added: support for drawing and editing geometry layers on maps, see a preview below: If you want to keep up to date with the latest Maps Marker Pro development, please follow @MapsMarker on twitter (= most current updates), on Facebook or subscribe to […]