News - Releases

21. July 2014

Pro v1.8.1 with compatibility fixes is available

This release focuses on fixing compatibility issues with other plugins and the upcoming WordPress 4.0 release. See below for more details. Let me know what you think about this new release by submitting a review! If you want to keep up to date with the latest Maps Marker development, please follow @MapsMarker on twitter (= most current updates), on Facebook, Google+ or […]

28. June 2014

Pro v1.8 with list of markers enhancements and new monitoring tool is available

This release focuses on enhancements regarding the list of markers below layer maps – a feature enhancement that was often requested by users. I also added a new monitoring tool for broken maps. See below for more details. Let me know what you think about this new release by submitting a review! If you want to keep […]

6. June 2014

Pro v1.7 with leaflet.js v0.7.3 and compatibility fixes is available

This release updates the leaflet.js library which I refer to as “the engine of the plugin” – thanks to all contributors, especially to Mourner from, which is leading the development. In addition I also built workarounds for installations on servers with outdated SSL libraries. Some users of those server reported issues when trying to activate their license […]

18. May 2014

Pro v1.6 with focus on performance and usability is available

This release will speed up your layer maps significantly by loading markers asynchronously via GeoJSON 🙂 Furthermore lots of minor bugfixes, changes and improvements – many resulting from your feedback – made the changelog longer than I actually planned. Due to this fact and as this release also includes some security hardenings, I decided to postpone the addition of […]

13. April 2014

Pro v1.5.9 with security fixes and hardenings is available

In the last few days, the openssl heartbleed bug lead to a global awareness that IT security is essential nowadays. Maps Marker Pro (respectively our servers) were not affected by this bug, nevertheless delivering a secure plugin has always been a high priority in development. With v1.5.8, the results from the second security audit by the […]