News - Releases

8. September 2015

Pro v2.5-beta2 with MMPAPI, enhanced AJAX support & more is available

We kindly invite all interested users in testing v2.5-beta2 and reporting any issues by using the helpdesk, leaving a comment or using the contact form. With v2.5-beta2 we fixed some minor issues provided by beta testers and improved the overall compatibility especially for sites where WPDEBUG is enabled and additional warning or error messages are […]

4. September 2015

Pro v2.5-beta1 with MMPAPI, enhanced AJAX support & more is available

We kindly invite all interested users in testing v2.5-beta1 and reporting any issues by using the helpdesk, leaving a comment or using the contact form. The highlights of the upcoming release are the addition of the new MMPAPI-class, enhanced support for AJAX edits on backend (layer edits, list of markers), update to Leaflet v0.7.5 as […]

18. July 2015

Pro v2.4 with support for assigning markers to multiple layers & translation updates is available

I am happy to announce that Waseem Senjer who has already helped me out with coding issues in the past & who has been helping customers with custom development requirements involving Maps Marker Pro is now taking a more active role in the future development – welcome to the team! We are hoping to be able to get […]

12. July 2015

Pro v2.4-beta1 with support for assigning markers to multiple layers is available

I kindly invite all interested users in testing v2.4-beta1 and reporting any issues by using the helpdesk, leaving a comment or using the contact form. The highlight of the upcoming release is support for assigning markers to multiple layers, so I kindly ask beta testers to take a special focus on that new feature: Updated […]

28. May 2015

Pro v2.3.1 with support for bootstrap tabs & security fixes is available

As Maps Marker Pro runs on your server, delivering a secure product is very important to us. 24 hours ago, we were contacted by Akamai who performed a intensive security review of Maps Marker Pro and found 3 potential XSS vulnerabilities. Although the exploitability was reported to be pretty low, we immediately started working on this release, fixing these issues. Many thanks especially to […]